After the rain

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It has been raining a lot last week. When it finally stopped raining for a while I went outside and got really close to the leaves of the plants and trees in my backyard. I did not realize there was so much to see! It was fascinating to see the raindrops, like little crystal balls, sitting on the leaves and hanging on the twigs. In this picture you see a close up of my japanese maple tree with its beautiful red leaves.



After having dropped off my children at school I went to the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, a beautiful nature reserve, that is home to many animals. It is perfect to do some wildlife photography. I was hoping to see a fox on my trip that day, but no luck there! Sure, I had taken many pictures of deer, but a fox would have made my day. As I was walking further along a stream, thinking about going back home, I suddenly heard a strange sound. I looked up and I saw two swans flying my way! It was a beautiful sight, lasting only about a few seconds. I returned home happy.

Still life


My challenge for this week was still life photography. I have had so many ideas for this topic, but they never came to life (so to speak), up to now. That is the good thing about my project. No more excuses, just do it! So a few days ago I got out the colouring pencils from my children, sharpened them all and placed them in many different ways, taking pictures along. I ended up with thirty pictures that I like very much, but having so many made it rather hard for me to pick one. In the end this was my favourite.

From this photoshoot I learned that I have to practise more to get sharper close-up pictures.